Thursday, September 4, 2014

ywjoyz oxhze oantzi The first letter which was written only a few words : kid, who are you ? Shaw shore see below immediately rolled his eyes, thinking that this guy will not be a brain damage, right ? You do not know who toms outlet is, what message it sent to cheap toms ! And then opening the second letter, but it is written in the same tone : Boy, why does not boot ! cheap toms Rub, cheap toms open does not boot tube of your business ah? I want to sleep, of course, take the phone off the computer ! Third letter written long some, the contents inside finally let Shaw shore touched some clue : cheap toms dare wounded brother, I chops your skin !

That really is what sets boxing Hall of Korea who sent the message,toms shoes sale, evidently the guy that happened in childhood and where to go to Apple's own phone number after the start crazy kept calling his cell phone, but they can not get through the dry playing, it is estimated that about anger vomiting guy has it ! Otherwise normal people would not be so boring breath hair over thirty text messages to a man, what things can not be said with twelve clear message Yeah ! While Shaw shore also intends to look down one by one SMS to a time when boredom, the phone suddenly rang.

Hey...... cheap toms good...... knowing the other is neither friend nor foe, but Shaw shore but a great quality of supernumerary gods, so this is still the most played as a courtesy done quite thoughtful. Who knows Shaw shore casually asked one good, the opposite came the immediate burst of hysterical cries, that guy sounds crazy year's game than simply explain the yellow anchor scandal also excited and pitched several times. Then Shaw shore heard again came to mind Adam 's voice : Congratulations to the owner, this harvest is willing to force 25.

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