Wednesday, September 17, 2014

levdsk qdxaq ghyccb

A skinny boss over forty years old, wearing a Mofaxuetu robes, smiled out. I heard you this old shop is this street ? How I see you are so young ? Keguan, this is my grandfather's shop ! Grandpa is resting after the Church, usually not much guests look on from my pipe. Long Sky sat on a chair, watching, he said, toms outlet This collection magic crystal it? Mofaxuetu mad nod to close ! toms sale This is definitely cheap, get asked everywhere ! Keguan How much do you sell ? Mofaxuetu watch Sky Dragon is a spoiled rich kid was like, can sell a few four -order magic crystal good.

Go to toms on sale grandfather shouted Come on ! Mofaxuetu Grandpa learned so many years, of course, clever, simply said, wait ! Ran called the grandfather ! Keguan, toms sale grandson say you sell magic crystal ? Soon, an old magician slowly walked out, one hundred years old, and an order mage strength. Sky Dragon hand a move, space ring flash, ten blocks magic crystal appear on the table. Five six bands fire magic crystal, three sixth-order magic crystal winds, there are two seven -order magic crystal river, this ten magic crystal texture are good, without any signs of wear.Old magician touched the magic crystal, which can be a small baby, and for a long time nobody to sell, and is so much generous ah ! Objective of these magic crystal, five six bands of the fire department, a total of one thousand purple gold, three sixth-order winds, six hundred purple coins, there are two seven bands river, two thousand purple gold. A total of doing is three thousand six hundred purple coins, Keguan disposable sell so much, toms sale give you three thousand seven hundred purple coins, you see how ? Long Sky frowned, this store is I number that is the market price, but Long Sky did not expect it so points.

Price was okay, toms sale there is a big point of this collection is not the boss ? Long Sky hand a move, there has been a nine palm -order magic crystal river. Old magician and Mofaxuetu shocked ! To know toms sale Zhendian treasure, it is a magic crystal river, or fifty years ago received. Keguan really sell this baby ! Long Sky impatient, of course, to sell out ! Old magician thinking a Club Road, nine years ago, the auction will sell a nine -order magic crystal river, is five million purple gold, according to the market price of transformation in recent years, toms sale to Keguan, 5.5 million purple gold how?

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