Wednesday, December 31, 2014

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Bock 's Army Group B, the main attraction of the British and French, the Loeb Army Group C also laid posture. sunglasses price for men Feint being conducted performances of the Maginot Line was very successful, so that when the south of France to withdraw troops from indecision. Then eventually the A Army at this time made ​​a good record of exciting May 10 morning, the Germans as the main middle ofArmy Group A surprise to Luxembourg and Belgium. Small country of only 30 million people in Luxembourg the day without a fight.

Kleist 's Panzer Corps commanding general, under the jurisdiction of the Corps Guderian 's Panzer Corps and the first 15- The first 19 Panzer Corps combat strongest Hans Reinhardt, sunglasses price for women as Kleist armored Corps and Pioneer main force has 41 Panzer Corps each jurisdiction only two armored divisions. In the afternoon, it is easy to surprise the Germans won the first seat of the famous French city color when three armored divisions Guderian rapid attack, attack Sedan when Frenchman did not have any preparation.

Now in front of the German left with a moat,Sunglasses, and a blue river blocked the Germans from moving forward, the name of this river is the river Maas, Maas River, also known as the Meuse River originates from the French Champagne - the Ardenne Marne Langres plateau,, flowing through Belgium, and ultimately into the North Sea in the Netherlands, a total length of 925 km, is the major rivers of Europe. German because of the time to prepare the most primitive way to force a Maas Maas A corps is one of the most important strategic locations throughout the entire campaign in France, there is no other more important battles Bi Masi Battle Creek, for which Guderian put their full three armored divisions still on the battlefield.

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