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Chu Tianming is to try to comfort his sister and parents, agreed to a time immediately went to Chongqing to visit Cheap ray ban Sunglasses. In the village people envy, Chu Tianming family left the village. Village elders are younger on their own, said: look at the people, must be like Chu Tianming it, so the whole family a good life. Chu Tianming drinking wine, and knew it was Yaowu men who sacrifice their lives to wine. ( :) Songhu That furnace, do not know how to fill into life, I do not know how to Chen Keqiang.

Chu Tianming as Chen Keqiang somewhat worried. Then Wang Yaowu said some exciting things, the Chinese Air Force in the fourth brigade, led by captain Gao Hang Bridge Airport in view shot down three (some say six ) Japanese planes, and ray ban sunglasses uk square without a battle damage. Officers hear a burst of applause, dedicated ray bans outlet never met Airmen. Wang Yaowu looked high morale, and my heart is happy. After the meeting, so that the officers martyred conservative Huang Meixing general news. The news of the Air Force and the men talk, brethren, in order to boost morale.

He Shufang head but came on Zhou Tao said with a smile : Zhoulv Chang, and Chu Tianming ray bans outlet want to say a few words. Zhou Tao smiled and nodded his head, looked at Chu Tianming He Shufang have two. Then say : Well, less stop, do not hurry back. Chu Tianming awkward smile. He Shufang Chu Tianming then find a seat in the train, two people but we could not speak, just sit quietly. This has been silent, Chu Tianming do not know what to say. A few words to his lips did not say.

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