Wednesday, April 9, 2014 toms shoes xnmj

toms Command LIU stop attacks, all the cavalry to retreat, and then make a false attack to its toms sale direction, and the rest, to solve the immediate Guard. LIU face does not agree, it's not letting frontline commander to fight it? Tang Qiu a stare, LIU no way, muttering later removed with the cavalry, horseshoe riding in the cement pavement, exceptionally clear, hoofs died away, and finally disappeared. Devils blasted the fire is still there, the bullet hit the road, there is the flying time to time whistle ricochet, it can be very dangerous to life as usual.

Devils while playing lively child, see the bullet did not fight back, it gradually stopped firing, but also this wonder child, a bunch of guys riding ran gone? Gunfire stopped toms shoes completely, there are several devils are constantly exposing half body from the doorway, observing the street movement, looked for a while, the empty streets, a figure not seen, what circumstances are not, it seems, it shares the cavalry was passing by, not specifically deal with toms outlet 's. Subsequently, the Japanese voice of the entire team after another, and soon, the Devils came out from hiding places, there are several on the roof tummy devils, down, trample under their feet is not stable, grumble in Gulu horizon shot on a hard cement floor, thud thud, then scream, no movement down, not in a coma, is death.

These devils ran not far, just turned one street, suddenly the sides of buildings from the inside, spewing flames round after round, quenching Devils off guard, were rows down, so close, is suitable submachine gun shooting. The battle is very fierce, fire devils, has put three openings are sealed, eight groups of soldiers lurking periphery, apparently were sacrificed. Commander ministries clearly aware that this is a very dangerous state of division, devils can seal it toms sale the hole, while the concentration of forces and firepower against a cave, the cave of the individual soldiers trying to break out of the cave and its troops toms sale rendezvous, helpless, devils too ferocious firepower, especially devils submachine gun, at close range, the bullet as storm intensity.


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